Ballet Long Island presents CINDERELLA. This classic fairy tale follows a young woman’s journey from servant to princess in a story cherished by adults and children alike. CINDERELLA combines the magic of fairy godmothers and spells with the true emotions of love and heartache. Beautiful costumes and scenery whisk audiences away to an enchanting world.
Available for In-school performances, Full Evening and Matinee Concerts, Libraries, Museums and Art Councils
55 minutes without intermission / 70 minutes with intermission
5 Professional Dancers
1 Stage Manager
1 Light/Sound Techician
$975 per performance
$1600 for 2 back-to-back performances.
(travel fees additional if applicable)
Book Your Performance Today!
Call: 631-737-1964
Available for In-school performances, Full Evening and Matinee Concerts, Libraries, Museums and Art Councils
55 minutes without intermission / 70 minutes with intermission
5 Professional Dancers
1 Stage Manager
1 Light/Sound Techician
$975 per performance
$1600 for 2 back-to-back performances.
(travel fees additional if applicable)
Book Your Performance Today!
Call: 631-737-1964